
Anti-VSR1/ Vacuolar-sorting receptor 1

Anti-VSR1/ Vacuolar-sorting receptor 1

    货 号:PAB230306
    描 述:兔多克隆抗体
    基 因:AT3G52850
    别 名:VSR1, BP80B, ELP, ELP1
    推荐稀释比:WB 1:2500---1:5000
背 景
VSR1 encodes the Vacuolar Sorting Receptor-1 (VSR-1)/Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-like protein1(VSR-1/ATELP1). It is involved in clathrin-coated vesicles sorting from Golgi apparatus to vacuoles. 
抗原信息 Recombinant part protein of Arabidopsis AT3G52850,P93026
同源基因 AT3G52850,Os12g0116000,LOC_Os12g02390
验证应用 Western Blot
预测物种 For more species homologues information, please contact tech support at TEL 400-880-3241
保存条件 50% glycerol,-20 °C
理论/ 实际分子量 69 / 80 kDa for Arabidopsis
80.8 / 80 kDa for Rice
上样:约3 μg拟南芥和水稻叶片的总蛋白
电泳:12% SDS-PAGE
转膜:NC (nitrocellulose) 膜,电压10v过夜
封闭:5% 脱脂奶粉,室温孵育1h
一抗: 1:5000 稀释,室温孵育1h